Join us for a convivial evening celebrating our accomplishments under the direction of President, Scott Loney, and for the induction of the 2018-19 Club Officers and Board of Directors. Enjoy a lakeside BBQ and entertainment at beautiful Pine Lake Country Club.
All West Bloomfield Rotary Club members and their guests are encouraged to attend!  
When:  July 18, 2018
Where:  Pine Lake Country Club ~ 3300 Pine Lake Road, Orchard Lake
Time:  Cocktails  at 5:30 PM, Dinner at 6:30PM, Program and Installation of Officers and Board of Directors following
Details:  Please RSVP by July 6, 2018 to Cindy Hill at or (248) 242-4657. Cost is $60 per person.  
Mail payment to Treasurer, Steve Lepsetz ~ 31500 West 13 Mile Road, Suite 114, Farmington Hills 48334 or pay at the door.
Business Attire is requested.