On December 11, 2019, West Bloomfield Rotary members and friends worked the Haven Gift Giveaway for the third year in a row. Haven, a shelter for victims of domestic and sexual violence, holds this event annually for graduates of their program. They are invited to shop for "free" for their families and themselves. Volunteers provide shopping assistance, inventory, shelf stocking and checkout assistance. Most importantly, they provide encouragement, support and good cheer for these fragile individuals.
Rotarians, Dr. Henry and Marlenn Maicki worked the first shift along with Club President Jerry Hill.
| Interact Club members help sort items for the Giveaway on December 11. |
Friends of Rotary, Mary Kleam, Maddie Kleam and Linda Weir assist on our first shift. | Rotarians Lee Jaffke, Chris Martin, Cindy Hill, Raman Singh, Renee Floer and Judy Garver worked on the second shift. |