Youth Exchange Student - Steve and Marian went Tuesday evening to Ferndale to the 2009 Youth Exchange Orientation meeting   They met the first Host family Pat Glasgow.  She is very nice and plans on meet our exchange student who will be arriving from Mexico next Thursday(8/20) at 4:25 p.m.  If you would like to go to the airport to welcome him please let Steve kinow so we can all go together.

Hartland Rotary Club Charter night - Judy and Marian had attended the Hartland Rotary Club Charter night on Wednesday.

Grub Crawl - Shelly gave us an update on the Grub Crawl  Everything is going along real well.  T-Shirts will be printed next week.

Geebee Thimotheose OF FINANCIAL ADVISORY ASSOCIATES asked if any of our members or friends would like to volunteer to man the PBS Telephones next Tuesday evening 6 to 11:00 p.m.  IF YOU CAN PLEASE CALL HIM AT 248-217-7601.

Mongol Rally Update - Steve gave us an up-date on the progress of the Mongolia Rally.  Marian heard them being interviewed on WJR last Saturday and they said they were half way through their journey. For information on their journey visit

Speaker of the Week - We have Allison Campbell, the Ambassadorial Scholar to give us a talk on "Driving Substainability" - a project that she is working on at Walmart.

50-50 today was $16.00 no winner.