Club Happenings May 14, 2009
Make sure you check out the calendar of meeting dates on the site because a few meetings have been cancelled in the next few months.
Scott's Fundraisers-Shelley has cancelled her fundraiser for Scott but there are two other opportunities to support him, June 1st at the Uptown Grill and June 8th at the Mongolian BBQ in Novi.
Green School-Thanks to Dr. Hearn, Green School held a Hats Off event, which raised $215 for polio elimination. A big thanks goes out to the children of Green School.
Richmond Rotary Books-The Richmond Rotary Club purchased 22,000 new books for ages 9-12. They are looking for clubs who can use them for projects.
Youth Exchange-Tony has mentioned that there are 3 foreign exchange students who still need to be placed in our district. Dr. Hearn will put the word out through the schools to try and find host families in West Bloomfield.
RYLA-Joan reported that her grandsons had a wonderful time at RYLA.